Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

John Proctor, Hero or Stooge?

It is hard to say wether John Proctor is a Hero or a Stooge. He did some bad things, but also he was upright man.

First of all, it was not fair of him to betray his wife with Abigail Williams. If you are married you have certain responsibilities and one of them is defenetely to not being unfaithful. But as I said, he has also some good character traits.

In front of the court, he sees through the lies of the girls, who accuse women of being in pact with the devil randomly. He warns the court to believe in such lies. With the aid of Marry Warren, his maid, he tries to get his wife Elizabeth Proctor free, who is also accused of witchcraft. So he is maybe not that bad, as he seems at the first look.

Since Marry Warren cannot stand the pressure of the other girls, she soon breaks down and accuses proctor to be with the devil. Because of that, Proctor gets arrested and convicted to death. He gets a chance to free himself by confessing his devilish pact.

And this is the point where I would say that he is rather a hero than a stooge. Proctor does not take this chance. It does not agree with his consience to buy his life for a lie. In my opinion, Proctor is a good man who has his failures but also has strong principles.

Freitag, 23. September 2011

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God is a story about God and the Puritans. Jonathan Edwards was a preacher at that time an he was very well known among the Puritans. He preached about God and how people must not sin.                 
Edwards is saying how God is ready at any moment to punish you, if you sin. He tells us that God holds the water from killing the puritans and how he will drop them in hell if they sin. He also said in the story that God is waiting to shoot the Puritans with an arrow if they stepped out of line.

I myself cannot imagine a god like this. If a god existed, he would not punish his followers for every single mistake, I think he would rather show them the right way to life. No one is able to avoid any mistake and that is probably why the Puritans do not exist any more. Their religion asked them impossible things.

Sonntag, 18. September 2011

Arrivals... There goes the Neighborhood.

When we moved to our "new" house in Bliedersdorf, Germany (actually we´re living there for 12 years) I didn´t know that we moved to the propably most boring neighborhood in the world!

In my neighborhood there are mostly old people, so there is usually nothing bad like crime going on. I myself just have few connection to those people. So it´s not much more than "hello and good bye" when I see them. That´s actually pretty sad, since I already experienced that it can be very different. The neighbors here in America are a lot closer to each other than those in Germany are.

Within the whole 12 years we lived in Bliedersdorf, there have been only two incidents where there was a bit of civil commotion. Once, a stupid guy from the next street broke into a house of an 80-year-old lady and tried to steal something. The othertime when a men commited suicide by poisining himself. That´s it basically. I mean, we don´t have like fights of gang members or stuff like that and I never heard gun shots.

Some would consider my neighborhood as a "good" neighborhood. It´s safe, that´s for sure, but for me it is rather boring to live there. I´d always prefer to live closer to the city because there is a lot more stuff going on!



My name is Jonas Schmid-Querg, I was born in Hamburg on the 17. November 1994. Right, I´m German and I will attend Whitney Young Highschool for the whole school year 2011/2012. So I live here in Chicago with a host family.

Let me tell you a bit about myself and about Germany:
Since 1998, my family and I live in Bliedersdorf. This is a tiny village 50 km (31 mi) from Hamburg. My sister an I attend the "Gymnasium" in Buxtehude, which is about 12 km (7.5 mi) from our house. After elementary school we have basicly three different types of school, which stand for different level of education. So it´s not like high school in th USA.

My favorite subjects in school are math, physics, English, French and of course sports. I guess I will do a job later on which contains maths and physics stuff. Maybe some kind of construction engineer. I like learning  languages because English and French are spoken all around the world so it will very helpful to be abel to speak them. And last but not least: sports. I´ve been playing soccer since I was 7 years old and I still enjoy it. In Germany we don´t have school teams, we have teams in the cities or the villages. I used to go to soccer practice three times a week and to have a game every saturday.
I like to try out new kinds of sports and therefore I have sailed for two years, played ping pong and did a paragliding course. Dad and I often ride our racing bicycles together if the weather is fine at the week ends. 

Obviously doing sport is my favorite hobby. But I have some other activities which I like to do such as reading, listening to music and of course meeting friends.

I´m very happy to spent a year in the USA, especially in Chicago and I want to find new friends and have lots of fun here!!! :)
