Samstag, 21. Januar 2012

German music blog for Mr. McCarthy :D

Peter Fox is, in my opinion, the best solo artist in Germany. His album "Stadtaffe" (2008) is one of best German pieces of music and it was in the charts for a long time. He is singing about his life in Berlin, how ugly and beautiful it is at the same time. Some of the songs are really deep, some are more like fun, but all of them are definitely worth listening to.

In my opinion, what makes those songs uniqe is Peter Fox´s voice, the meaning of the songs and the catchy rhythm. Im sure you will enjoy those songs on the album, they are really great. Those two are probably the most famous ones (the drummers are remarquable!):

Alles neu:

Haus am See:

This is his homepage:

If anyone is interested in the album "Stadtaffe" or some songs, I have the album. Otherwise, Im sure it´s also available on iTunes.

Rewrite a scene

Character: Nick    page 30 to 31

Mr. McKee was a pale almost dead looking feminine man. There was a white spot of lather on his cheekbone; apparently he is carless man who is not even capable of shaving himself appropriately. He told me that he was in some “artistic game” and I found out later that he was a photoprapher and made those creepy enlargements of Mrs. Wilson’s mum on the wall. His wife was flashy, handsome, horrible and she looked kind of weak. Very strange appearance. She told me that her husband took 127 photographs of her since their marriage. I was surprised how people can be so cocky about such things.

Mrs. Wilson had changed her costume and now she wore a fancy cream colored dress, which caused an annoying rustle when she walked through the room. I wished she would just sit down. She was very pride of her dress, I could tell from her gestures. Her whole personality changed from vital and affable to swanky and arrogant. Also, her gestures and assertions became more violently affected. She kind of claimed the whole rooms attention with her appearance, but not in a positive way, it was more intrusively annoying with that creaky dress.

“My Dear” she told her sister in a high, horribly mincing shout,”most of these fellas will cheat you every time. All they think of is money. I had a woman up here last week to look at my feet, and when she gave me the bill you would of thought she had my appendicitis out.”
“What was the name of the woman?” asked Mrs. McKee. The conversation went on and I just turned a deaf ear, I cant stand those superficial stuff of which both sides know that the other is not interested in.

I tried to make Nicks judgements more obvious in this scene by adding and changing adjectives that sound more judgemental. To me, he is hiding his real opininon of people and situations behind nice and fancy words so that it is sometimes hard to tell if he is judging something or not. Therefore, i kinda tried to reveal the real intetions of his words.

Montag, 16. Januar 2012

The American Dream Today

American dream in jeopardy

March 02, 2011
The fact that they're trying to cut the staff of teachers in half in Wisconsin is completely stupid. American children are already being outperformed by Chinese students in academic achievements. America is supposed to be the best place to live, "the American dream." It will no longer be a dream if the education in the Midwest is cut in half.
I wouldn't want to become a teacher any more; it already makes an underrated job even worse. This is setting us up for disaster.

This  Article deals with the aspect of work and education in the American Dream. Apparently, you cant achieve the Dream if you dont get a proper education because as a consequence, you wont get a good job. I quess in this case the government is to be blamed that the students cant achieve their American Dream.

I guess you could relate this article to the Great Gatsby cause you need a real work that you like to live your Dream. It is not only money but also some work that you can be dedicated to. Gatsby has a lot of money, but he inherited all of it so he never did anything for that. And he doesnt seem happy all the time eventhough he has everything wants. Its not the things that you want, its the things that you need that really improve your life. And a job is definitely one of it, it gives financial and social security.

Sonntag, 1. Januar 2012

Song Review: In The End by Linkin Park

"In The End" is a pretty old song by Linkin Park, but I still really like listening to it and I think, it`s on of the bands best song ever. It was released on the album Hybrid Theory in October 2000.

The song probably has multiple meanings but it is definitely about the value of time and that you should never waste it. You cant hold the time on, so you have to start living in this moment to be happy. It could also be about a failed relationship. He tried the hardest to save the relationship but it had to fall apart because of the others persons character.

In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I´m surprised I got so far
Things aren´t the way they were before
You wouldn´t even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then

Here is the link for the video on youtube if you wanna listen to it: