Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2011


In "The Catcher in the Rye", Holden is the main character. He is sixteen years old and about to get expelled from Pencey High. Before he went to Pencey, he got expelled from a couple of other schools. So his life is described as a typical teenage life which goes down the drain. However, Holden is not at all a typical teenager.

He actually has a very interesting personality. And that is not meant in a good or bad way, I just think he is somehow special. It kinda seems like everything annoys Holden and no matter what someone does, it gets on his nerves. Holden thinks that almost everyone in the world is phony, and he hates phony people eventhough he himself sometimes acts in a phony way and even admits it. The special thing about him is, that there are certain people in his life, who, in his mind, never do anything wrong, be always perfect and be innocent forever. And he wants to protect those people from bad influence.

I really wonder how his life would go on as he was an adult. Cause sometimes you have to make compromises in life and be dedicated to a job or a task. You cannot get along in life hating everything and everyone and be annoyed by it or them. You have to be positive to make your life better and that is what Holden might wanna start doing.

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